Sunday, February 1, 2009

BRING ON 2009!!

It is Feb 1 and I just now saying HAPPY NEW YEAR! Most of you know I lost my stepfather to pancreatic cancer on Dec. 28. Thank you very much for all your support and kind words during that time.

Now, it's a new year and that means new goals! Fitness goals to be specific. I encourage all of you to set attainable, measurable goals. Some people call these New Year's Resolutions but usually it is something vague like "lose weight, eat better or get stronger." All those are wonderful goals and quite doable when you attach specific details to those goals. Let's take the lose weight goal for instance. When losing weight is the goal there needs to be a structured plan. First identify how much you want to lose and over what time period. Lose 10lbs in 6 weeks is a doable and specific goal. Then determine how often you are going to "weigh in." This way you are accountable weekly or even daily and can't get caught up in putting if off until "next time."

Your exercise time should be in your calendar and given the same importance as any other meeting - you have an appointment with yourself and who is more important than that?? Your health is just as important as that work meeting in my opinion! The healthier you are the happier and more productive you are - if your boss tells you otherwise give him/her my number!! :)

For those of you who don't eat breakfast, below is a delicious recipe to get you in the habit!

Banana Split Oatmeal

Cook 1/2 c. dry old fashioned oats w/ water to desired consistency
1/4 c. strawberries or blueberries
1/4 c. sliced banana
1 Tbsp semisweet chocolate chips (I like the minis)
2 Tbsp almonds

Total calories = 359

Enjoy! See you in the gym!

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